Ad Agency Intern Fills Sandwich Punch Card, Earns Free Sandwich


Division of Labor is proud to announce our copywriting intern, Drew Weber, became the first DoL employee to successfully fill his Mollie Stone’s punch card, earning a free sandwich. Getting the sandwich required purchasing nine others sandwiches before it, which explains why he always asked if people wanted something before he left for lunch.

“Most of our employees lose their punch cards long before they can collect the requisite number of stamps,” says Josh Denberg, Division of Labor’s founder, and chief creative officer. “His accomplishment reinforces my initial instinct when we hired him, there’s something special about Drew.”

Remarkably, Weber is taking the accomplishment in stride.  "I just happen to be a fan of a good rewards program. I’m also a fan of a sandwich on a sweet roll. Mollie’s has both, so they’ve been my go-to place since I started working here. "

Ever humble, especially for a millennial, Weber insists he is no hero. In fact, when pressed on the matter, he chose to heap praise on fellow co-worker Ryan Lockhart for turning him on to Molly Stone’s in the first place. "When I first started here, I asked Ryan what he thought of the closer deli two doors down. He said-- 'That place is the Spirit Airlines of sandwich shops. You need to go to Mollie’s.' So, I did what any good intern would do and listened."

A photo of the Molly Stone’s sandwich captured just prior to its exchange for Drew’s sandwich of choice.

A photo of the Molly Stone’s sandwich captured just prior to its exchange for Drew’s sandwich of choice.

Weber’s typical selection is turkey with cheddar cheese, lettuce, tomato, pickles, mustard, and mayo. If he’s in a spending mood, he’ll add avocado for an extra dollar. "Sometimes you’ve got to ball-out and get the avocado," he explains.

From an advertising and marketing perspective, Weber’s achievement shows the importance of valuing a customer and offering an incentive for brand loyalty. By giving consumers something to work toward, the store drives shoppers to purchase their product. And as a top ad agency, we agree with this kind of targeted messaging. Although digital marketing and geo-fenced mobile advertising are both effective, sometimes you gotta go back to the classics. “Without these rewards cards, Mollie Stone’s customer base may have chosen to go hungry during lunch rather than get food for themselves—or worse, decided to eat a soggy sandwich from home,” says Denberg.

Weber is already working on his next rewards card, which he hopes to complete before November. "I have a lot of goals in life. This is one of them."


The Small Agency Blog is produced by Division of Labor; a top San Francisco ad agency and digital marketing firm that’s been named Small Agency of the Year twice by Ad Age. The award-winning creative shop services clients on a retainer or project basis. They also offer brand consulting services and hourly engagements for startups and smaller brands. Click here for a free consultation.