Free Advertising Campaigns for Labor Day

Adam Smith pioneered the concept of Division of Labor. We stole the idea and named the agency after it

Adam Smith pioneered the concept of Division of Labor. We stole the idea and named the agency after it

Happy Division of Labor Day. While most Americans are out grilling hot dogs, hamburgers, or faux vegan versions of the classics, we at Division of Labor are slaving away, along with the mattress and car salesmen. 

And in honor of our namesake holiday, we are offering Free Labor. Yep, that’s right. If you’re currently lounging at the beach, picnicking in a park, or just waking up, and you scrolled past this post and clicked, it could be your lucky day. Cuz while most top San Francisco ad agencies are goofing off, we at Division of labor are ready to give you one free advertising campaign. 

Adam Smith pioneered the idea of Division of Labor, which we honor by bringing in only the right specialists for any given project and charging our clients accordingly. The ad agency world has changed dramatically over the years. Retainer accounts have been replaced by project work. Digital advertising and social platforms have changed media and the influx of data, data, data has totally altered the ROI conversation. 

Division of Labor has thrived through all this craziness, because we’re built for it. We don’t have enormous overhead. Project work is our bread and butter. We expand and contract as projects come in and out. And we’re a production company as well as an ad agency. So we produce things efficiently, save our clients money, and retain creative control.

But enough about us. Let’s talk about you. And how our Free Advertising Giveaway can turn you into a hero when you return to the office tomorrow. (Also, there will be less attention paid to that nasty sunburn on your neck.)  

Contact us via email today, and today only, and we’ll give you an ad campaign for free. It could be a social media advertising campaign or maybe an out of home campaign or a digital video advertising campaign. And if you like it and want to sign on for a paid engagement after that, great. If you want help placing media for the campaign, great. If you want to take it and have your brother shoot it on his iPhone, great.

Just send us a creative brief; problem, target, one thing the campaign needs to say, and we’ll send you one free advertising campaign. Hell, if you’re working on Labor Day, Division of Labor is working on Labor Day too.


The Small Agency Blog is produced by Division of Labor; a top San Francisco ad agency and digital marketing firm that’s been named Small Agency of the Year twice by Ad Age. The award-winning creative shop services clients on a retainer or project basis. They also offers brand consulting services and hourly engagements for startups and smaller brands. Click here for a free consultation.